Sport is an important aspect of life at St Mark’s with high level of participation in extra-curricular activities.
St Mark’s has a thriving team culture with teams in athletics, basketball, rugby (including girls’ rugby), football, cricket, cross-country, hockey, rounders, trampolining and netball.
St Mark’s offers a wide range of activities with the help of many staff who contribute their time and skills to the development of teams. We run a full and high quality fixture list throughout the year, competing across schools and county. We also have a very successful house system where each year groups compete against each other in many sports, such as netball, football, rugby, basketball, dodgeball, tug-of-war, rounders and athletics. We also run one-off trips to sporting events and also week long residential sporting trips.
The school currently has an indoor gymnasium and hall with separate male and female shower and changing facilities. Our outdoor sporting facilities include an all-weather Astro pitch, cricket practice areas, several hard court areas and provision for athletic track and field events.
As a result of our investment into community partnerships locally, all home rugby fixtures will be held at Avon Rugby Club. We are grateful to the club for their kind support of sport at St Mark’s and look forward to working with them to develop rugby excellence at our school.