• St Mark's School takes our safeguarding responsibility very seriously. To report any safeguarding concerns about a child please contact the Designated Safeguarding Lead, Mr Heathcote via main reception during school hours.

School Trips and Visits

St Mark’s has an established record of trips at home and abroad. Thanks to the commitment of staff, we offer a wide range of school trips throughout the academic year.

In recent years, we have had trips to Barcelona, Paris and Madrid.

We also make the most of the many cultural and pastoral resources to be found in the United Kingdom, with an annual trip to Kilve Court in Somerset and Morfa Bay plus many Performing Arts trips to galleries.

Our Activities Week in July, is an opportunity for students to take part in a series of Reward Trips and cultural visits, with trips to The Globe Theatre and local history walks.

Mr Leonard, our Head of PE takes a group of students on a ski-trip once every two years – this has proved hugely popular with all of our students.