Our award scheme is designed to challenge student, encourage participation, develop initiative, and skills such as organisation and teamwork.
Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme
Coordinator: Miss V Hull
St Mark’s currently offers the Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme at Bronze level, targeting year 10 students. The scheme is entirely voluntary and extremely popular within the school with a number of participants signing up this year.
The Award gives individuals the opportunity to really challenge themselves, taking part in enjoyable new activities. It also helps to develop initiative and organisation along with important skills in teamwork.
The Award is a four Section Programme with three progressive levels: Bronze, Silver and Gold. With the arrival of the New Sixth in September 2013, we hope to expand in order to offer the Silver and Gold award to older pupils.
Most expedition training takes place in the Spring terms during after school sessions.
For more information on what the award entails please visit:
Duke of Edinburgh Award website: http://www.dofe.org/
The Bronze Award
This involves:
• Volunteering (helping the community)
• Skills (a hobby, skill or interest);
• Physical Recreation (sporting games);
Of these 3 activities, participants must commit to one for 6 months and the other activities for just 3 months.
• An expedition (on foot) where students plan, prepare and undertake a two day and one night venture in the Mendips, which is supervised by staff.
Students will also undertake a practice expedition before this assessment.
Kit and Equipment:
Students are given an extensive kit list for their expedition phase along with lessons on how to pack their expedition rucksack. The majority of specialist kit required can be rented for the expedition weekends through school or the BANES DofE kit store.
We do recommend however, that participants invest in a pair of suitable walking boots if they wish to take part. These of course do not need to come at great expense and recommendations of places to shop will be given in training (including tips on where to get DofE discounts!).
A parent/carer’s guide to DofE
Please see the latest video of the presentation to parents for St Mark’s Bronze DofE 2021-2022 from Miss V Hull.