What Others Say About Us

Student’s Letter

Good Afternoon, I just wanted to say thank you on behalf of myself and my entire year group. Ever since we walked through the gates in year 7 you have dramatically helped us feel comfortable and safe within St Mark’s. You have provided us with a healthy learning environment where we can learn and become the best possible versions of ourselves.

I have to say you have provided us with this help from year 7 all the way through the 5 years we have spent together at St Mark’s. It is with deep regret that my time at St Mark’s is over now and I have thoroughly enjoyed being in the positive environment and community you have created where students can be themselves and make new friends from all different backgrounds. Thank you for your kindness, support and encouragement over the past 5 years, it has been very enjoyable.

Messages from Parents

“I have just attended your School open morning with my daughter, who is currently in Y6 at Bathampton. Having been very impressed by your school at your recent open evening, I was very much hoping my daughter would feel the same, today – and I was not disappointed. What came across more than anything was the caring ethos of the school – how well the children are known, respected and supported. Our guide was a super young man called XXX who was open, friendly, knowledgeable and really helpful – he balanced beautifully his awareness of his responsibility in representing the school with his awareness that we needed to see it how he did – and I do hope he receives some sort of acknowledgement from the school for how well he did this. My daughter came away loving your school, and thanks to XXX and your staff, confident that she will be well supported. So thank goodness, St Marks will be an easy choice for all of us!

“The communications you have sent out have been first-rate, it’s been incredibly helpful to receive the regular updates each day. As have your St Mark’s letters, which have been written with such warmth, demonstrating a sincere feeling of care for the St Mark’s community.”

“To all the staff, I would just like to say how thankful and appreciative I am of all you have done for my son in his time at your school. I am heartbroken that today is his last day and that all the hard work you have all put in to teaching and caring for him has come to an end. Deepest respect and well wishes to you all.”

“The communication from all teachers has been absolutely fantastic and the individual support for students and parents at St. Marks is outstanding.”

“The St Mark’s community is just wonderful and I am very pleased I chose this school for my sons.”

            “I’ve never seen him so happy at a school.”

“Going really well. Really pleased. Really settled. Getting on with everyone. Comes home really peaceful not at all anxious.”

“Good Afternoon Staff of St Mark’s

We want to especially thank you and the teachers for all the effort and dedication you have had with A, all of you have been wonderful, she has been immensely happy at school, with her friends and teachers. She will always keep in her memory and her heart all the moments lived in the school. Thank you very much for everything and best regards. Year 8 Parent”

Other Messages

Staff of St Mark’s,
Congratulations on your SIAMS outcome, shared just before the Christmas break, and well done on your recognition as a ‘Good’ Church School. No inspection has been straight forward during the term, and this is one of the first SIAMS in the diocese, so an even greater ‘well done’ given this challenging context. 

Please do pass on my congratulations and appreciation to your team and school community, including Governors and the Midsomer Norton Schools Partnership, all of whom have clearly contributed positively to this outcome. The support and connectivity encouraged through the Trust and the school’s strengths as an inclusive and caring centre of education come across very clearly.

I found the statement: ‘The impact of the vision is seen in the strong and supportive relationships between pupils and between pupils and adults. Vulnerable and disadvantaged pupils are fully integrated into the life of school,’ very powerful. For me this reflects the heart of the school – its Christian vision and the relational qualities that bring that vision to life. This, underpinned by the ‘good’ RE outcome and ongoing collective worship all combine to offer the students and adults a very supportive and nurturing environment in which to flourish. 

That the vision was further ‘lived out’ during periods of national lockdown is highly commendable and a great demonstration of the deeply Christian nature of the school’s foundation.

Thank you for your consistent, conscientious leadership and dedication to the success of this school and, more importantly, to its pupils. The challenges that you face, notwithstanding the additional pressures in response to the pandemic, are recognised and that makes this outcome even more special so enormous credit to the school. 

As ever, the Education Department team are here to help you, and the Trust, with any follow up regarding identified key areas for development and would also really like to help you celebrate and share this outcome too. Please do get in touch with us and also the comms/media team here at Flourish House so we can help with this.

Yours sincerely,

Ed Gregory
Director of Education
Diocese of Bath and Wells

Dear Staff of St Mark’s,

Thank you for the recent opportunity to visit St Mark’s and spend time with you discussing matters related to SIAMS. Thank you too, for the opportunity to have a tour of the school, seeing the work to improve the building environment, to meet with teachers and engage with some of your students. I was very impressed with the clear sense of focus and purpose I saw in all the lessons as well as the calm working atmosphere I witnessed in each classroom. The students I spoke with were articulate and positive and fully engaged in their work. I also appreciated hearing about the work you do engaging with students experiencing a range of challenges, supporting them to flourish as individuals.  It was a pleasure to be with you – please convey my thanks to your PA, for her professionalism in arranging the visit in addition to the opportunity to meet with governors next week

My very best wishes to you, your staff and students

David Williams
Assistant Director School Effectiveness
(Mental Health First Aider)
Diocese of Bath and Wells