All children & young people that attend Orchard Lodge have moderate learning needs and an EHCP. An Education, Health and Care plan(EHCP) identifies educational, health and social needs and sets out the additional support needed to meet those needs. All plans contain strengths and areas of development and long and short term outcomes for individuals.
Placement at Orchard Lodge should always arise from a process that identifies the base as an appropriate and positive choice, which best meets the need of the pupil.
Parents/Carers are encouraged to make a visit. You may arrange this by contacting the school office.
- If requested, key staff from Orchard Lodge may attend an Annual Review or carry out an observation at the young person’s existing school.
- Consultation paperwork including the Educational Healthcare Plan is received by the base from the pupil’s host authority requesting consideration of pupil for admission.
- If a place is available and everyone is agreed on the suitability of the referral, the host local authority & B&NES Council is informed.
- If it is decided that the school cannot meet the child’s needs the Authority is advised the reason for this decision.
- A transition programme, appropriate to the individual child, will be drawn up to support transfer. This may include:
- Visits by key staff between schools
- Additional visits/part-time placement to support move by child
All pupils joining the school will have a School Entry Plan meeting. This ensures that a personalised transition is arranged to best meet the needs of each individual as well as sharing information and ensuring best practice.
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