General Admissions In-Year
We advise parents/carers to complete the In Year Application Form in full. Please note Section 4 has to be completed by your child’s current/most recent school (we cannot progress the application unless this is completed). We also require the Application Form – Supplementary Information to be completed in full and sent with the In Year Application Form.
Please return both completed forms to the Headteacher’s Personal Assistant at St Mark’s School. The application will then be reviewed and considered by the Governors’ Admissions Panel. Should you need any further help or guidance please do not hesitate to contact the School.
MNSP In Year Application form
Admissions to the Sixth Form
Please see hyperlink below for details on how to apply for the New Sixth.
Useful Information
Transport FAQs:
Information for families where the child is categorised as EAL:
English Education System: Secondary Schools (Using this link the parents can find various languages