Parent Partnerships

KB Open Evening 2024 PPT Slide 26

We look to parents as our partners in the education of their children. The more closely we can work together with them, the greater the benefit will be for the student. We ask parents for their support in helping to maintain the standards required as a school that is striving for excellence.

Our parents are very proactive in playing their part in school life. We have an incredibly active Parent Teacher Association (who are always looking for new volunteers!) and who do amazing work fundraising for the school, thereby contributing a great deal to the welfare of the students. We also have a Parent Circle group who act as critical friends to the school by meeting with the Headteacher regularly to discuss school life and any improvements that can be made. This is open to all parents and is an excellent opportunity for parents to meet members of the Senior Leadership Team and discuss and explore issues of general interest.

Throughout each student’s school journey, there are several opportunities for parents to come in to meet tutors and teachers and to discuss the development and progress of their child. Parent Information Evenings are held at the start of each academic year to give an outline of what to expect over that year, and subject evenings are also held for every year group. Other information evenings are also held at key milestones such as when a student is new to Year 7, Options Evening in Year 9 and then bespoke revision and information sessions for the parents of those students who are in Key Stage 4.

We also welcome parent views and suggestions via an annual survey that forms an important part of our self-evaluation. This is invaluable in our on-going commitment to provide an outstanding education for your son or daughter.

Parents are always welcome to come to the school to discuss the progress of their child. We do ask, however, that an appointment is made in advance. If there is a pressing concern, we will always try and meet parents without an appointment but this is not always possible.

If you would like more details about the PTA and how to join, then please contact reception who will be able to direct your message accordingly.